Duhamel's wall sculptures are essentially made of vinyl records, cut, assembled and then glued on acrylic glass plates. These creations are, in the vast majority of cases, portraits of artists.
The choice of the central buttons of the vinyl records present on these creations, has vocation to put forward the work of these last ones. For the musical artists one finds there the buttons of the first original pressings of their various albums the most impossible to circumvent. And when it is about cinematographic artists, one finds there then the buttons of the A and B sides of the first pressings of the soundtrack of the film in which the sculpture represents them there.
These sculptures also have the originality of being four-dimensional works of art : height, width, depth, musicality. Each one is equipped with the Spotify code dedicated to it, which can be scanned by any smartphone so that all the vinyls present on the work can be listened to. Therefore, Yannick Duhamel's sculpture are as much visual as sound portraits.
Distinctive sign :
The signature of the artist Duhamel is engraved in the acrylic glass in the bottom right handcorner of each work.